Blog Directories - Exposing Yourself The Right Way

. Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I know this is going to sound stupid (what a great way to open a conversation), but don't expect a ton of traffic when you submit your blog to directories right away. Sorry, don't kill the messenger. "Why are you writing a post about blog directories and then telling me they don't idiot!" Does this sound like what might be running through your head? In any case there are advantages to posting your blog to directories, here are just a few.

1. Blog Directories are often searched or "crawled" by Search Engines. Blog directories are easily crawled by major search engines such as Google and MSN. Search Engines see these directories as eye candy because they are perfectly optomized. Search engines may not be able to crawl your entire site and therefore your blog may take some time to appear in search results, that is why submitting it to a directory will help expose you very quickly.

2. Most blog directories will see quite a bit of traffic. In addition to ranking high on search engine results, bloggers like to see who else is listed in their category. This can create great relationships and exposure that you otherwise wouldn't get. Don't underestimate the power of curiosity from others.

3. Submitting to directories can be a very easy and take little to no time. There are some software packages out there which allow you to submit your blog to blog directories in an easy manner. However, many of these software packages cost a money. I recommend submitting your blog manually because it is FREE...that's it. To do so, simply do a Google search for the blog directories relevant to your blog or you can use the two links below to get a good start.

Start with these directory links and then branch off from there. I wanted to provide you with some good content that allowed you to expose yourself for free.

Blog Directories

Massive Blog Directory

Your Success,


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It Takes Only One

. Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I have been thinking about something for the past couple of weeks based on a sermon our pastor did, he said something that really stuck with me at that was "It only takes one..." The more I thought about that statement and meditated on it I realized, every event in my life has been because of one...thing.

At any point in my life I can remember one time and place that was almost like the first domino in a chain reaction of thousands; like a match lighting a firecracker. The one moment can be linked to everything afterwards of significance. Think back to a life-changing experience and than try and think back to the exact moment that led to that change. I know this all sounds "spacey" but sometimes it's good to think about this stuff because it does and is happening regardless of if you pay attention or not.

Maybe think about one particular reason you did something, or liked someone, or chose something, or anything else that comes to mind. There was almost this click that happened in your mind that said "there is a reason why I want this so now I'm gonna give it my all." It reminds me of a race. The runners are stagnant, then they make that decision to go for it (the whistle or gunshot), then they give it their all until the very end. That is something I strive for daily and I challenge you to do the same.

I didn't really write this post as an informational dialogue, I just wanted to let you know what was floating around up in this empty space I call my head. I hope this got you thinking. Maybe this can be the "one" something for you.

Your Success,


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Become A Blogging Superstar: Increasing Readership And Building Relationships

. Friday, July 24, 2009

Typically when we start a blog there is one true We all know over time you will see your readership grow. It might start out with two or three and then jump to 100+ soon after. The goal of most blogs I think is to develop a relationship with your subscribers regardless of the size, and that comes with the quality of your posts, how often you share, how active you are, and how encouraging you are of your subscribers. I have put together a small list of ways to grow your subscription list and keep them reading.

1. Write at least five informative articles. You need to write at least five tutorial, also called "pillar" articles, giving your audience something of value. Try to shoot for more than 500 words with practical advice. This would be an example of an informative article or "how-to." The more articles the better.

2. Write at least a post a day. Now this does not mean every one of your posts has to be an informative post. You want to make sure your visitors know that you update your blog regularly. When you first start you should blog everyday. Once you have established a following than you can back off to a couple times a week. The goal is to get subscribers and they only subscribe to current material.

3. Encourage comments on your blog. The more people see others (including you) commenting on your blog the more they are going to want to participate. Again this is about building a relationship with your subscribers. Try posting a question or taking a poll to encourage them to comment on your post. Don't forget to respond to comments as well.

4. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have a decent number of posts it is time to venture out into the real world and start sharing it with others. Commenting on others' blogs is a great way of doing that. Try commenting on blogs in the niche that your blog is in; you want your readers to have similar interests. When you start posting make sure you have something valuable to say. I can not stress this enough, if what you say does not bring value to someone else than don't say it.

5. Link to other blogs and use trackbacks. A trackback is like having a conversation between blogs; your post will reference someone else's post. Trackbacks, just like comments will lead back to your site using a link. This is the point where you start to create and build relationships with other bloggers as well as your readers.

I hope you take this information you learned and start applying it to your newly created blog. I encourage you to post a comment so I can see your blog and so we can start implementing some of the skills you just learned.

Your Success,


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The Champion Entrepreneur: 5 Steps to a No Limit Life

. Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is an article I wrote on how to create a life without limits. You can view this article at or just simply read it here, it's your choice. Remember to ask yourself "How can I apply this to my life?"

Your Succes,


"I have been doing quite a bit of research, reading, listening, and watching when it comes to what successful entrepreneurs do and how they differ from the masses. Sometimes they are not visible changes and sometimes they are. What it really comes down to is they are willing to do whatever it takes to get to where they want to be. Are you willing to live in your car; homeless for months in order to keep your business above water? What about not taking a paycheck for years on end? There are several things successful entrepreneurs do that distinguish them from everyone else, and here they are broken down for you in 5 steps or principles:

1. Daily Rituals: Let me clarify, I do not mean burning incense or sacrificing some goat. What I am talking about is daily actions they do or think to keep them focused. Let me explain. Let's say you are having a bad day at work, nothing seems to be going your way, you were yelled at on the phone, and you think to yourself "this is the worst day ever!" Now you have two choices. I will not waste your time with what you would do, here is what the successful entrepreneur would do. Once the negative thought pops in their head they would immediately stop, cancel the thought by saying "no, that is not true" in their mind, then replace it with a positive thought. So instead of "this is the worst day ever!" you would stop, and say to yourself "that is not true, this is going to be a great day," or whatever positive thought you want to mention. You have hundreds of opportunities each day to implement this skill, start now!

2. Grow Your Network: You may think the successful entrepreneur had luck on their side when it came to all their success. Well I can assure you luck is when preparation meets opportunity, so your wrong. No, the true entrepreneur is constantly growing and expanding his network. Just think about it, if "luck" is preparation meeting opportunities than the more opportunities you have the more "lucky" you are, am I right? The more people you know the more opportunities you have to become successful, it is that simple.

3. Multiple Streams Of Income: The second you start leveraging yourself you will begin doing what the rich do. Do you think Donald Trump would spend 100 million dollars of his own money to build a hotel. Think again! He will go to the bank and leverage other people's money to achieve his goals. What has he just done? He has leveraged himself (his name) to get the financing to build that 100 million dollar hotel. You want to contribute to others and build value with them. The main goal is to become invaluable so people invest in YOU!

4. Get Closer To Your Customers: This one might be a little more challenging but after you practice this one you will see very quickly why this is on the list. The goal here is to get inside your customers head. You need to relate and empathize with any concern they may have. Begin to ask specific questions that may address or relieve any objections they may have. The goal is to know where your customer is struggling and then determine the best way of helping them.

5. Expect Something Great: If you have followed the steps you have done everything right so far. This is the fun part. Expect great things to start happening. It's similar to studying for an exam; you prepare for weeks, months if it is extremely difficult, and you would naturally expect to receive an excellent grade for your hard work. This same principle applies here. There are endless opportunities around us today, it is our job to recognize them and act on them. Keep your eyes open and don't miss them, I guarantee someone else won't.

Once you start practicing the steps necessary to succeed and achieve that wealth you are looking for, you will begin to see the fruits of your labor. Remember the law of sowing and reaping; you reap exactly what you sow, no less."

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Learn The Essentials Of Mind Management

. Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wanted to share a small excerpt from an amazing article I read about controlling your mind. I have discussed this before, the only thing stopping you from achieving your goals and dreams is YOU! Take some time to read this article it will challenge your mind. If you want to see the full version just follow the link.

Your Success,


Mind Management | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read: "Mind Management
Expand your comfort zone to increase your wealth.

T. Harv Eker June 1, 2009

If you challenge your mind to expand your comfort zone, you will naturally expand your wealth zone. By striving to grow your comfort zone, you are constantly taking risks and finding more opportunities, ideas, actions and growth than you ever imagined. The bigger your “container,” the more income and wealth you will attract and hold. Challenge yourself to constantly make your container larger, and watch the universe rush to fill the space.

What is the single most important skill you can master to increase your happiness and success? Training your mind.

How do you train your mind? Start by observing your thought process. If you are like most people, your mind continuously produces both empowering thoughts, such as those that lead to success, and disempowering thoughts, including those that don’t support your wealth and happiness. As you identify your thoughts, you need to begin consciously replacing your disempowering thoughts with empowering ones. In doing so, you will begin adopting empowering attitudes as your own. Start by making declarations to yourself, such as “I act in spite of fear,” “I act in spite of doubt” and “I act in spite of inconvenience.”"

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Communication Is Down...Now What?

. Monday, July 20, 2009

Have you ever felt today was going to be a productive day and then something comes along and turns your plans 180 degrees upside? Today seems to be one of those days. I had a busy day scheduled, speaking with both potential and current clients, when all of a sudden my phones went down. "My world is over" was my initial thought until I thought about what could be done during this valuable time.

Through this experience I have realized we are so focused on instant gratification; I call someone, they pick up the phone and we talk, that simple. But through this lack of communication I see there are still productive things I can get done.

This "down time" gives me the chance to reflect on my life so far allowing me to self audit myself and look for improvements in my life. Life is a precious and valuable commodity that we get comfortable with and in time take advantage of. This is a time to really enjoy what God has blessed me with. You can't ever become successful unless you can be grateful for what has been given to you in this present moment.

Life is a series of small, precious moments strung together over time. It reminds me of the popcorn garland I used to make as a kid. You piece it together one at a time, and over the course of a few hours you have a nice ornament to decorate your tree. If we can begin to enjoy each moment we can than begin to enjoy our life. Many people think successful people have experienced great moments a majority of the time. That maybe true, it differs for everyone. The majority of people have similar experiences, the difference is the successful individual sees it as a learning and growing opportunity. For example, if you parked in a parking lot a mile from the store, the successful individual sees it as an opportunity to get in some needed exercise.

You've heard it said life is what you make it, I agree and would add, "and what you think of it."

Your Success,



1. Take some time these next couple of days to reflect on your life and see what could be improved.

2. Be thankful each day for the circumstances and events in your life, good or bad. Remember it is how you look at them that make them good or bad.

3. Find a new appreciation for your valuable life and live each day to the fullest.

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Sales Techniques-Tie 'Em Down 100% Of The Time Part 2

. Sunday, July 19, 2009

So in the previous post we talked about the Tie-Down. I hope you have been using it to your advantage and see the positive responses from it. Remember the more time you get them to say "yes" the closer you are to the close. I want to talk to you about the next extremely useful tie-down that is a bit warmer and easier to deliver. This one is called the Inverted Tie-Down.

This one sounds a little something like this. " Would you agree working for someone else won't help you achieve the goals and dreams you have in your life?" It is very similar as the Tie-Down, all you do is take the Tie-Down and move it to the front. This one comes off warmer because it starts off with a question as opposed to the normal Tie-Down which starts off as a statement.

Again the whole goal is to get the other person to agree with you or say "yes." Yes is a positive stimulus which triggers a positive emotion about you (the presenter) and potentially what you are offering.

I am going to challenge you to add this on to the previous technique and begin using this in your normal conversations. I can't emphasize this enough, always make it your own. The more you challenge yourself in life the more you'll grow. Your success is just like anything else, what you put into it is what you get out, it's that simple.

I want to leave you with a quote that has stuck with me for many years and has shaped me into the person I am today. "You can make money or you can make excuses but you can't make both."

If after reading and applying these techniques to your life you have seen some amazing results I would love to hear about them. You can either comment below or send me a personal message at I enjoy lifting others up in all walks of life so feel free to contact me. Until next time...

Your Success,



1. Memorize the Inverted Tie-Down.

2. Add this amazing tool to your toolbox.

3. Apply this technique and make it your own to begin making more money.

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Entrepreneur Blog: Learn From Experience

. Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I wanted to share a great blog that I recently started paying attention to. I do some consulting work for Northstar Thinktank and I am just amazed at the leadership and integrity this company has. Jeff Chavez is an amazing man and has years of wisdom that he has decided to share with you. Jeff has useful tools that we can all utilize towards growing as entrepreneurs.

Spend some time digesting the material and than apply it to your life. One thing we are adamant about is application; learning how to apply what you learn to your life. That is the mark of a champion.

Entrepreneur Blog: "How The Mighty Fall, And Get Back Up
July 2nd, 2009

In the latest book by Jim Collins, How the Mighty Fall, Collins carefully outlines how great, thriving organizations can quickly and dramatically fall from prominence.

While he spends a lot of time outlining what he calls the “Five Stages of Decline”, I was particularly motivated by his thoughts on what those who fall, and then recover, have in common.

I certainly want to understand how to avoid a fall in the first place. (Or should I say, avoid any more “falls” than I’ve already experienced!) But since it’s a given that stumbling and falling down is a necessary and inevitable experience of life…I’m motivated by examples of those who get back up and recover.

Here are some excerpts from How the Mighty Fall that I found of particular interest:"

That is just a portion of the post, you can visit the blog to see the rest.

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Sales Techniques-Tie 'Em Down 100% Of The Time

. Monday, July 13, 2009

We are all afraid to be sold aren't we? We would prefer to be left alone to make our on decision or be sold by someone who we feel cares about us and has our best interest at heart, am I right? The previous two sentences were examples of what is called the Tie-Down.

What is a tie-down? Tom Hopkins says, a Tie-Down is "a question at the end of a statement that demands a yes, or isolates an objective." So the goal here is to get the other person to say yes as many times as you can before you proceed to the close. I want to make this point before I move on, if you decide to use this tactic it needs to be natural and in your own words. There is nothing worse than throwing up all over the other person. Sorry to be so graphic but that's what happens when you don't make it your own; you lose the person and you lose the sale.

Other examples of the Tie-Down would be "Can you? Aren't you? Doesn't it? Couldn't it? Wouldn't it? Shouldn't it? Isn't that right?"...and the list goes on. The goal is to practice and memorize all of them so this becomes second nature to you. The more questions you ask and the more "yes" answers you get, the better your salary will be.

So the goal for the next couple of days is to use this and begin to make it your own. The Tie-Down is a great tool to add to your bag of goodies and I know once you have this down you will feel the same way.

I will see you again soon where we will discuss another great sales technique, so until then...



1. Write down as many Tie-Downs as you can find or imagine.

2. Memorize them until they become instinct to you and you can use them naturally.

3. Begin using them on a regular basis. If you want to be the best you have to do what the best do.

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Self Auditing-3 Key Ingredients To Renewal And Self Growth

. Friday, July 10, 2009

So the other day I was asked to give a sales training on the topic of my choice. Because of the short notice I was a little nervous about what I was going to speak about. Then I asked myself, "self, how can you contribute to the group?" I thought long and hard about what I do in my daily life and I realized I try and implement the concepts of "Renewal and Self Growth." I constantly find ways on how I can improve my spiritual, mental, physical and social/relationships (you can find out more about this through Steven Covey's - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People).

This led me to the concept of "Auditing" yourself so you can constantly grow and educate yourself. I came up with three simple steps if implemented correctly can result in massive self growth. So here they are, no need to take notes.

1. Figure Out Where You Are: This step will help you understand where you currently are in your life. Start asking yourself the tough questions like "what books am I reading?", "what am I listening to in the car?", or my favorite "is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to be?" The list goes on, this is just a taste of what we are looking to acomplish. These are some tough questions that need to be addressed before moving to the next step.

2. Figure Out Where You Want To Be: This step is important because it gives you something to strive for, something worth completing. These steps compliment each other very well. In order to figure out how to get to where you want to be you have to figure out where you are. Write out where you want to be in five years. Don't just think about it actually write it out, it implants our wants into our subconscious mind. Focus on what you wrote daily. Napoleon Hill used to say "What ever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." Don't limit yourself.

3. Take Action: I say this quite often but this one is the most important. This is the step that will make it or break it for you. It comes down to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It basically states that what you sow, you will reap; no more no less. What a wonderful concept.

As I look around I am constantly seeing people sowing other people's fields. The successful have learned to sow their own fields and reap the benefits. If you can do the same, you will reap what the successful reap.

There will not be an "Action Plan" today because this is the action plan. The only way to truly learn something is through repetition and application. So I encourage you to take this and start applying it to your daily life and you will begin to see yourself in a whole new light.

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Ready, Set...Start!

. Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The tittle came to me while I was lying in bed thinking of what the world might want to hear. Then it dawned on me, most people brainstorm, plan, prepare, plan some more, think about it, put things off, plan some more...I think you get the idea.

That is why I propose we just...Start! "Start what," you may ask. I don't know, living! People go about living their life ready for the opportunity that may present itself, but they are too afraid to start living the life that has been present for a while now. It's time to start living life, gain control and learn to Take Action!
My name is Joel and I am a Business/Sales Consultant and Coach. I enjoy working with people around the world who are passionate about life and take the daily actions necessary to achieve that success they are looking for. I challenge people to see themselves as more than what they are in the current moment. You are not your current circumstances, you are what you do in your current circumstances!

The goal of this blog is to challenge you to be better. Whatever your current occupation is, view yourself as "The Best," I promise you this will help you earn more money, help you feel better about life, and help you be a more pleasant person to be offence. At the end of each post I will give you an action plan that you can start applying in your life right NOW! I want to help you get to where you want to go all you have to do is let me.

Your Success,



Ask yourself right now "what have I been putting off for a while that needs to get done?"

1. Write a list of the things in you life that are incomplete or need to be started, starting from easiest to hardest.

2. Commit to completing one of your tasks in the next day. Start with a small or easy task. Once you feel the victory of finishing a small task completing bigger tasks will become easier and easier.

3. Repeat the process until all your tasks have been completed.

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