Become A Blogging Superstar: Increasing Readership And Building Relationships

. Friday, July 24, 2009
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Typically when we start a blog there is one true We all know over time you will see your readership grow. It might start out with two or three and then jump to 100+ soon after. The goal of most blogs I think is to develop a relationship with your subscribers regardless of the size, and that comes with the quality of your posts, how often you share, how active you are, and how encouraging you are of your subscribers. I have put together a small list of ways to grow your subscription list and keep them reading.

1. Write at least five informative articles. You need to write at least five tutorial, also called "pillar" articles, giving your audience something of value. Try to shoot for more than 500 words with practical advice. This would be an example of an informative article or "how-to." The more articles the better.

2. Write at least a post a day. Now this does not mean every one of your posts has to be an informative post. You want to make sure your visitors know that you update your blog regularly. When you first start you should blog everyday. Once you have established a following than you can back off to a couple times a week. The goal is to get subscribers and they only subscribe to current material.

3. Encourage comments on your blog. The more people see others (including you) commenting on your blog the more they are going to want to participate. Again this is about building a relationship with your subscribers. Try posting a question or taking a poll to encourage them to comment on your post. Don't forget to respond to comments as well.

4. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have a decent number of posts it is time to venture out into the real world and start sharing it with others. Commenting on others' blogs is a great way of doing that. Try commenting on blogs in the niche that your blog is in; you want your readers to have similar interests. When you start posting make sure you have something valuable to say. I can not stress this enough, if what you say does not bring value to someone else than don't say it.

5. Link to other blogs and use trackbacks. A trackback is like having a conversation between blogs; your post will reference someone else's post. Trackbacks, just like comments will lead back to your site using a link. This is the point where you start to create and build relationships with other bloggers as well as your readers.

I hope you take this information you learned and start applying it to your newly created blog. I encourage you to post a comment so I can see your blog and so we can start implementing some of the skills you just learned.

Your Success,


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