Blog Directories - Exposing Yourself The Right Way

. Wednesday, July 29, 2009
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I know this is going to sound stupid (what a great way to open a conversation), but don't expect a ton of traffic when you submit your blog to directories right away. Sorry, don't kill the messenger. "Why are you writing a post about blog directories and then telling me they don't idiot!" Does this sound like what might be running through your head? In any case there are advantages to posting your blog to directories, here are just a few.

1. Blog Directories are often searched or "crawled" by Search Engines. Blog directories are easily crawled by major search engines such as Google and MSN. Search Engines see these directories as eye candy because they are perfectly optomized. Search engines may not be able to crawl your entire site and therefore your blog may take some time to appear in search results, that is why submitting it to a directory will help expose you very quickly.

2. Most blog directories will see quite a bit of traffic. In addition to ranking high on search engine results, bloggers like to see who else is listed in their category. This can create great relationships and exposure that you otherwise wouldn't get. Don't underestimate the power of curiosity from others.

3. Submitting to directories can be a very easy and take little to no time. There are some software packages out there which allow you to submit your blog to blog directories in an easy manner. However, many of these software packages cost a money. I recommend submitting your blog manually because it is FREE...that's it. To do so, simply do a Google search for the blog directories relevant to your blog or you can use the two links below to get a good start.

Start with these directory links and then branch off from there. I wanted to provide you with some good content that allowed you to expose yourself for free.

Blog Directories

Massive Blog Directory

Your Success,


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