The Champion Entrepreneur: 5 Steps to a No Limit Life

. Thursday, July 23, 2009
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This is an article I wrote on how to create a life without limits. You can view this article at or just simply read it here, it's your choice. Remember to ask yourself "How can I apply this to my life?"

Your Succes,


"I have been doing quite a bit of research, reading, listening, and watching when it comes to what successful entrepreneurs do and how they differ from the masses. Sometimes they are not visible changes and sometimes they are. What it really comes down to is they are willing to do whatever it takes to get to where they want to be. Are you willing to live in your car; homeless for months in order to keep your business above water? What about not taking a paycheck for years on end? There are several things successful entrepreneurs do that distinguish them from everyone else, and here they are broken down for you in 5 steps or principles:

1. Daily Rituals: Let me clarify, I do not mean burning incense or sacrificing some goat. What I am talking about is daily actions they do or think to keep them focused. Let me explain. Let's say you are having a bad day at work, nothing seems to be going your way, you were yelled at on the phone, and you think to yourself "this is the worst day ever!" Now you have two choices. I will not waste your time with what you would do, here is what the successful entrepreneur would do. Once the negative thought pops in their head they would immediately stop, cancel the thought by saying "no, that is not true" in their mind, then replace it with a positive thought. So instead of "this is the worst day ever!" you would stop, and say to yourself "that is not true, this is going to be a great day," or whatever positive thought you want to mention. You have hundreds of opportunities each day to implement this skill, start now!

2. Grow Your Network: You may think the successful entrepreneur had luck on their side when it came to all their success. Well I can assure you luck is when preparation meets opportunity, so your wrong. No, the true entrepreneur is constantly growing and expanding his network. Just think about it, if "luck" is preparation meeting opportunities than the more opportunities you have the more "lucky" you are, am I right? The more people you know the more opportunities you have to become successful, it is that simple.

3. Multiple Streams Of Income: The second you start leveraging yourself you will begin doing what the rich do. Do you think Donald Trump would spend 100 million dollars of his own money to build a hotel. Think again! He will go to the bank and leverage other people's money to achieve his goals. What has he just done? He has leveraged himself (his name) to get the financing to build that 100 million dollar hotel. You want to contribute to others and build value with them. The main goal is to become invaluable so people invest in YOU!

4. Get Closer To Your Customers: This one might be a little more challenging but after you practice this one you will see very quickly why this is on the list. The goal here is to get inside your customers head. You need to relate and empathize with any concern they may have. Begin to ask specific questions that may address or relieve any objections they may have. The goal is to know where your customer is struggling and then determine the best way of helping them.

5. Expect Something Great: If you have followed the steps you have done everything right so far. This is the fun part. Expect great things to start happening. It's similar to studying for an exam; you prepare for weeks, months if it is extremely difficult, and you would naturally expect to receive an excellent grade for your hard work. This same principle applies here. There are endless opportunities around us today, it is our job to recognize them and act on them. Keep your eyes open and don't miss them, I guarantee someone else won't.

Once you start practicing the steps necessary to succeed and achieve that wealth you are looking for, you will begin to see the fruits of your labor. Remember the law of sowing and reaping; you reap exactly what you sow, no less."

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