Learn The Essentials Of Mind Management

. Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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I wanted to share a small excerpt from an amazing article I read about controlling your mind. I have discussed this before, the only thing stopping you from achieving your goals and dreams is YOU! Take some time to read this article it will challenge your mind. If you want to see the full version just follow the link.

Your Success,


Mind Management | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read: "Mind Management
Expand your comfort zone to increase your wealth.

T. Harv Eker June 1, 2009

If you challenge your mind to expand your comfort zone, you will naturally expand your wealth zone. By striving to grow your comfort zone, you are constantly taking risks and finding more opportunities, ideas, actions and growth than you ever imagined. The bigger your “container,” the more income and wealth you will attract and hold. Challenge yourself to constantly make your container larger, and watch the universe rush to fill the space.

What is the single most important skill you can master to increase your happiness and success? Training your mind.

How do you train your mind? Start by observing your thought process. If you are like most people, your mind continuously produces both empowering thoughts, such as those that lead to success, and disempowering thoughts, including those that don’t support your wealth and happiness. As you identify your thoughts, you need to begin consciously replacing your disempowering thoughts with empowering ones. In doing so, you will begin adopting empowering attitudes as your own. Start by making declarations to yourself, such as “I act in spite of fear,” “I act in spite of doubt” and “I act in spite of inconvenience.”"

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