I wanted to share a great blog that I recently started paying attention to. I do some consulting work for Northstar Thinktank and I am just amazed at the leadership and integrity this company has. Jeff Chavez is an amazing man and has years of wisdom that he has decided to share with you. Jeff has useful tools that we can all utilize towards growing as entrepreneurs.
Spend some time digesting the material and than apply it to your life. One thing we are adamant about is application; learning how to apply what you learn to your life. That is the mark of a champion.
Entrepreneur Blog: "How The Mighty Fall, And Get Back Up
July 2nd, 2009
In the latest book by Jim Collins, How the Mighty Fall, Collins carefully outlines how great, thriving organizations can quickly and dramatically fall from prominence.
While he spends a lot of time outlining what he calls the “Five Stages of Decline”, I was particularly motivated by his thoughts on what those who fall, and then recover, have in common.
I certainly want to understand how to avoid a fall in the first place. (Or should I say, avoid any more “falls” than I’ve already experienced!) But since it’s a given that stumbling and falling down is a necessary and inevitable experience of life…I’m motivated by examples of those who get back up and recover.
Here are some excerpts from How the Mighty Fall that I found of particular interest:"
That is just a portion of the post, you can visit the blog to see the rest.
Entrepreneur Blog: Learn From Experience
Posted by
Joel Cowen
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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