Sales Techniques-Tie 'Em Down 100% Of The Time Part 2

. Sunday, July 19, 2009
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So in the previous post we talked about the Tie-Down. I hope you have been using it to your advantage and see the positive responses from it. Remember the more time you get them to say "yes" the closer you are to the close. I want to talk to you about the next extremely useful tie-down that is a bit warmer and easier to deliver. This one is called the Inverted Tie-Down.

This one sounds a little something like this. " Would you agree working for someone else won't help you achieve the goals and dreams you have in your life?" It is very similar as the Tie-Down, all you do is take the Tie-Down and move it to the front. This one comes off warmer because it starts off with a question as opposed to the normal Tie-Down which starts off as a statement.

Again the whole goal is to get the other person to agree with you or say "yes." Yes is a positive stimulus which triggers a positive emotion about you (the presenter) and potentially what you are offering.

I am going to challenge you to add this on to the previous technique and begin using this in your normal conversations. I can't emphasize this enough, always make it your own. The more you challenge yourself in life the more you'll grow. Your success is just like anything else, what you put into it is what you get out, it's that simple.

I want to leave you with a quote that has stuck with me for many years and has shaped me into the person I am today. "You can make money or you can make excuses but you can't make both."

If after reading and applying these techniques to your life you have seen some amazing results I would love to hear about them. You can either comment below or send me a personal message at I enjoy lifting others up in all walks of life so feel free to contact me. Until next time...

Your Success,



1. Memorize the Inverted Tie-Down.

2. Add this amazing tool to your toolbox.

3. Apply this technique and make it your own to begin making more money.

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